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2012 Appalachian Wood Products, Inc.  Site Design by Infinity Design Studios


Headquarters                            Deliveries

171 Appalachian Drive                  171 Appalachian Drive
Clearfield, PA 16830                     Firemen's Commerce Park
Tel: 814-765-2003                        Clearfield, PA 16830
Fax: 814-765-4751


For customer service & product information:             custserv@appwood.com

For employment information:

For lumber and lumber-product suppliers inquiries:    lumber@appwood.com

For all other vendor inquiries:                                   purchasing@appwood.com

Hours of Operation

Monday - Thurs 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fri 7-11AM
Closed Saturday and Sunday


Exit 120 off I-80, Clearfield Fireman’s Commerce Park
171 Appalachian Drive Clearfield, PA 16830
Phone: 814-765-2003
